Saturday, March 26, 2011

Social Concerns Column for March 27, 2011

“O taste and see that the LORD is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” – Psalm 34:8

Livermore Homeless Refuge Thanks St. Michael Parish.  Congratulations to all of you who supported our drive to collect supplies for the Livermore Homeless Refuge on February 26-27!!  What a great outburst of generosity from the people of St. Michael  Parish!  By the end of the 8am Sunday Mass we had two truckloads of supplies with lots more to come at the following Masses.  Bob and Donna McKenzie collected the supplies, and did all the sorting and storing.  We especially thank Jim Shirley who gathered up truckloads of supplies when the vestibule over flowed with your generosity. 

On a recent evening, the Refuge had more clients seeking shelter than they had room, so four men agreed to give up their spaces and sleep in their cars. What a wonderful example of generosity upon generosity! 

Please help the Livermore Homeless Refuge stay open more evenings: volunteer  to staff a night shift.  Bob will gladly talk to you about the details: Bob and Donna McKenzie 443-7398 or cell 895-4167.

Livermore Public Library READ Project
Social Concerns Ministry Meeting in March.  We discussed the continuing needs of the Livermore Homeless Refuge.  We planned greater efforts to get more volunteers to become trained as English tutors for our own Hispanic parishioners: volunteers are trained free of charge by the Livermore Public Library, and then meet with their mentee once or twice a week on a mutually agreeable schedule.  We attended the Diocese of Oakland’s Social Justice Forum on March 19th at Holy Names University.  We have started a column for Lent called "Our Lenten Journey" based on material from the Passionists.  We discussed a program called Action on Peace for Jerusalem and other national speakers coming to the Bay Area.  May the Holy Spirit guide our every effort.

He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.  -- Psalm 113:7

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