Sunday, September 2, 2012

Social Concerns Column Sept 2, 2012


As we come to the end of our third year of operation for the Livermore Homeless Refuge, we celebrate in thankfulness new friends, old friends, happiness, sadness, good memories and challenges.  Our "family" of homeless and our volunteers came together to form a bond that none of us will forget.

During our 2011-2012 season, we were open 129 nights and served 73 homeless guests with a group of 70 volunteer hosts beginning November 1, 2011, and ending April 30, 2012.  We had more women guests this year than in the previous two years.

We are very grateful to Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Ashbury United Methodist, Discovery Church of the Nazarene, First Presbyterian and Holy Cross Lutheran for providing space for the homeless to sleep.  There were so many nights that sleeping outside wasn't an option.  Our homeless are aware of the generosity of the churches and are very appreciative.

Holy Cross Lutheran provided a storage unit for the many  donations we receive from the generous parishioners of St. Michael, St. Charles, St. Elizabeth Seaton, and St. Augustine Catholic Churches, coupled with the Hindu Temple, St. Innocent Orthodox and Asbury United Methodist Church.  The Knights of Columbus from St. Michael donated contributions of food on several occasions.

The contribution each of you made to our ministry allowed a detailed understanding of the "real" need for help and compassion to our homeless community. When any specific need was made known, people always came forward to fill the need.

We sincerely want to thank each and every one of you who helped us in any way to help our homeless, who have little to no voice in our community.

Sandra Chesterman, Director of Operations and Volunteer Coordinator
Bob and Donna McKenzie, Supply and Inventory Coordinators
Livermore Homeless Refuge

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